Friday, August 31, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


It is henceforth decreed throughout the land that any female bases loaded member can, and should, perform the following feats of strength to take up her rightful place of leadership of our glorious, winning, aptly named softball club.

Meg, Lisa, Suzanne, Jess....any other takers for this crown?

Feats of Strength:

1. A good coach must be able to function fairly normally while intoxicated and potentially dizzy from delight at her winning team. To that end, the first feat of strength will be the whirly bat competition. (Note: For this, as for all feats of strength, shots/beers shall be ordered indiscriminately as rewards/punishments/inducements/hindrances. Rules exist only in the minds of the triumvirate, and that's all you need to know.)

2. A good coach much also be an excellent base coach (i'm serious jules). To that end, the second feat of strength will be for each participant to coach first base for at least two innings and make outrageous calls in our favor.

3. A really good coach must be able to negotiate with the other team in terms of rules, playing fields, etc. To that end, the third feat of strength will be to negotiate/swindle the natty d's into buying rounds for the captains and judges. (this will be ridiculously easy, and we're basically throwing you a softball here. ha ha) Bonus points for negotiating with peyton, cause he's a tough cookie.

4. A quality coach must also be able to think on her feet. To that end, the next feat of strength will be an interview competition. Perhaps, 'how can solly's improve world peace?', or 'how does ben's chili bowl improve world peace?' or 'is world peace an impossible dream made unachievable by global capitalism, man's innate hunger for power and self-destruction, and our perpetual state of numbness caused by television and a celebrity based culture?'. or something like that. if you can outdo miss teen south carolina, there's some big bonus points in it for you:

5. Last but not least, a really really good coach must have excellent musical taste. Each contestant will pick a song on the jukebox at solly's that she feels best represents this season of bl glory. This will be judged by the triumvirate. Phish or Debbie Gibson are grounds for immediate disqualification.

Any questions?

Let the games begin.Kisses, coach a, ass coach and deputy ass

Friday, August 24, 2007

BL's new game ball

hit a home run with this thing!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

last game vs. Natty Ds

you can't swing at the ball,
you can only drink beeer,
you can't catch a fly ball, even when it's neeear,
you can noonan their outfielder, cause him to rage,
you play like season one
but you're always a winner to meeeee

so let's just forget,
just drink it away,
we have a big game next week on a thursday
against the big bad smelly natural disasters
you better be there or
you'll funnel a big one for the teeeeam

oooooohhhhhh how it will be so awesome
to kill natty Ds once again
and then take them to Sollys
Ooooooooh and there's one more surpriiiise
no it won't be our demise,
there's some news to announce:

at inning number four
while khlamad goes to the stooore,
the feats of strength will be proven and more
by the new potential ass coach, who will it beeeee?
maybe jess, maybe kathryn, suzanne,
lisa, meg, but not meeee!

game is at our home field,
you know it's called Bundy
but if any other team asks, you tell them Kennedy
it's our field, our secret, and no one can know
that the source of our wins
is motormouth, the pee smelling alley!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

what's up with this team?

so i get to the field and joel is like "so erika, what's up with your dog? i hear it has gingivitis" and it's khlamad's birthday, and he's all "grip and growl?" and then the girls are like "wow, can you believe those are high school guys?" and then i'm like "who's the fastest one we can recruit" and their 400 lb. assistant coach says "I am!" and then we're like "warming up is for losers" and then Bases Loaded is like "we're crushing you with these 6 runs" and then Chris is like "WZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!" with his new kazoo and Jules is like "I've eaten too many grapes" and then the other team is all "we suck" and then Joel is like "noonan" and their first base man is like "that's not cool" and then their dude hits the ball and it's like "i'm going to take your head off!" and then my pitches are like "i can barely make it over the plate" but then lisa is like "i'm totally catching 3 pop-flys this inning" and then matt is like "who are these guys? is this the same team as last year?" and then the next inning is like "remember me? the blooper reel?" and then the grip and growl goes "VROOOOOOOOM!" and john is like "in the park home run bitches, where's my sombrero?" and then aaron is like "i'll show you chumps how we play in brooklyn" and then the score is like, "tied" and then there's some tasty base running like "score!" and lots of slides, like "swooosh" and we're all like, "take that losers" we score a whole bunch of other runs and jules is like, "so you guys are the non-pros, like non-prophylactics?" and someone is like "yeah, no condoms, we like it raw" and then johnny is like "who's turn is it to funnel?" and then the funnel is like "BOOOYA!" and then Solly's is all "yay! we won! again!" and then everyone is like "i'm drunk" and then i'm like "i'll take wron fllafllelel plrease" and aaron is like "yorrrrr me tooo, what's with all these frixins" and then my tummy is like "thank you" and then my brain is like......"BL rules."