Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Bases Loaded and Bob Dole

My fellow team mates,

I want you all to know that your concerns are always forefront in my mind, on and off the field.

As such, when meeting the honorable senator Bob Dole on saturday night, the topic of bases loaded, and everyone's constitutional right to get loaded and play ball was the spotlight of the discussion. we chatted at great length about the evils that limit our freedom each and every wednesday...the difficulty in getting field permits, restrictions on alcohol in public places and schools, as well as the new low calorie/low carb frenzy that is attacking the very core of our souls: the taste of canned malt beverages. as he shook my left hand, clucthing his pen with his right, he promised, along with his bodyguard/chauffeur, wilbert, to do his best to bring the plight of bases loaded to the hill and to the forefront of our nation's political agenda.

i invited him to our next game, but he wasn't sure he could make it, i think he's going to be in vegas. again.

always fighting for you,

coach A

Thursday, May 25, 2006

nice grill ya got there khlamad

you are no match for me mr dog!

chugalug lug cooker jules

yummy! OREOS

we have a sombrero...they have a bike helmet? losers.

after micah's awesome home-run

check out the backstop kids

another oreo thief

hmmmmm should i eat some more zucchini?
bases loaded in action!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

BL breaking news

big news:

first, the game tomorrow is at our home field (5th and O).




The Memorial Day weekend Fox New Edge will distribute a piece to its 187 outlets across the nation about our league and the new House Softball League. Also, Comedy Central's The Daily Show with Jon Stewart will air similar coverage of both leagues the week of June 4th...exact day not yet known, but I will update everyone. Jon has one of our league ID cards, whose crew taped games from both leagues...should be a funny piece...

i don't know why jon stewart did not get recruited to Bases Loaded, that's just preposterous.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

tax court, everyone's friend

so the game started out with a quick explanation of what tax court is really about "we're your friends, we're on your side, really" and they were. not nearly as douchey as metro all-stars, and not as alcoholic as the natural disasters, they still gave us the best game of the season yet. the inning scores were kept low, we had a few 3 up 3 outs in the field and pretty much everyone made it on base (except me). i still think they cheated, even though they miscounted their runs to our benefit...we warded off inconsistent rain until the 6th inning, when we were greeted by a rainbow and divine sunlight to really get the train rolling. phatt brought his electric car/stereo behind home cage and rocked the BL soundtrack to clinch it...as "eye of the tiger" echoed through the 5th street alley we rocked out a classic 2 out rally to tie the game! alas, the 7th inning was not so kind, and we retreated to the deep underbelly of the red roof inn. not a bad post-game bar, i'll say. we filled the place, and i was in awe at the sea of bases loaded jerseys, gabbing and mingling, and totally ignoring the wannabe johnny cash performing on the mini stage. i'm glad tax court joined us for some brews and grub, and after making fun of them all these years, i'd say they're not half bad. and even though their pitcher sucks, we can all agree that he's a hottie. anyone get his digits?

join us next week for a mostly unhot team, the beefy DC renovators. same place, same time.

coach A

Monday, May 15, 2006

game this wednesday - 5/17

got a game this wednesday at our totally awesome home field. just a few blocks past the ghetto giant, at 5th and P NW. bring beer, meetcha in the shady cage.

we're playing our old rivals, the U.S. tax court! i know all your guys paid big cash to the IRS last month, so come hungry for bloooooood. Let's score some runs and put last week's disaster behind us. You know their old jeans-wearing first baseman catch catch anything!

game starts at 6:30 pm on the field, and ends at the Irish Channel at the Red Roof Inn in Chinatown...

give me a heads up if you are in or out so i can decide if we need to recruit from the 6th street alley.

-coach A

Friday, May 12, 2006

ned farted

Thursday, May 11, 2006

losing is still fun. even when the other team CHEATS

well it's no wonder this team has been calling me to play every year. they were looking for batting practice...but you know what? we turned it around on them, and used it as our fielding practice...sorta.

our first inning was strong. strongest! we rocked out two runs, made tons of great plays and saw the fragile seams on their team start to unravel. they were yelling at eachother, getting all stressy - bad mojo, dude. and they only had three girls, to our seven, losers! but as we got drunker (thankfully) they just started peppering our outfield with these crazy huge hits for what seemed like hours. it wasn't until they all started batting lefty and walked to the bases instead of running that we got a break.

and now for the hi-lite reel: thanks to billy and ned for bringing yet another level of dissidence to the team - smokin' in the outfield. jules packed the heat at pitch, and was relieved by joel who attempted some amazing dusty feats at first. ever notice whenever joel plays there's always some dust storm around him and his shirt, by the end is just filthy? love it. ryan was a no-show, but khlamad was there! erika had the erika inning, putting down all three outs at short. k-lo had a super sweet jumping jack out at second and there was an awesome double play right at the end. kim kicked the krap outta first base. sarah and sue rocked some hits, representin' 9th floor SSMC IV! unlucky annie proved why she's number 13, and ran her legs out the first inning...ice those thighs, girl!and i, i played just about every position and sucked at all of them. yes, i have to work on my grounders, i know. so there you have it, another astounding loss for BL, but ya know what? i had a good time. the weather was beautiful, our sideline was full of laughter, and the metro all-stars are lame old fogies so there.

i love how khlamad and i kept putting them down the whole way home, khlamad doing fabulous renditions of their captain: "how many outs? oh jeez. they only have 2 runs? oh jeez." and going on about how we should won and coulda if they didn't cheat so darn bad, isn't that always our problem? every team in this league is full of cheaters!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

funny email of the day

yeah sure not a problem.  So i am taking Kim, Sue, Ryan and Khlamad. 
Ryan- Can you call Khlamad so you can meet him at the same location
(Wisconsin and East-West) and I will pick the two of you up there at


Friday, May 05, 2006

sideline drinkin'
bases loaded in action!

drinky drinky
bases loaded in action!

and the madness begins..
bases loaded in action!

master jules, actually made it to first base!
bases loaded in action!

let us out!
bases loaded in action!

sick of the cage yet?
bases loaded in action!

khlamad, you're fired!
bases loaded in action!

DJ dan in the house!
bases loaded in action!

k-lo, workin' 2nd inning
bases loaded in action!

da cage
bases loaded in action!

Bundy Field - from the CAGE
bases loaded in action!

home opener

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first game rocked the cazbah

A warm gentle Thursday, the leaves dangled delicately in the early may evening air at the wonderfully bumpy Bundy field. There were two dugouts enclosed in secure cages, and an executive decision was made to merge team dugouts into one cage party in the shade. And it was exactly that. Music blaring, beer drinking, hanging out, with a minor distraction every few minutes from the softball field, a change in cage population every inning. oh right, we are playing a game here people!
Did anyone even notice K-lo’s spectacular 1st inning catch and a whip throw to first to get some dude out, which she further punished by saying, “I didn’t even throw it that fast.” There was a fantastic outfield collision between micah and ned – I swear, it’s the first time TWO Blers have ever even been close to catching an outfield pop-up. Sue caught a pop-fly at home plate which we all agreed kicks khlamad out of catcher position. Jennie made her debut there too, and also had a few successful whacks. All we need is to work on her sprint, as it only took her about 3 gazelle steps to reach first base. Our other new recruits Fletch (6-4 with the afro) and Billy T showed their mad skills on the field and the flip cup table and we welcome them.
So yeah, we held strong for the first inning, we hit better than ever, had some great plays….but I don’t think we ever scored again and the natural disasters started to get drunker…and better. Their alien thirdbaseman was unstoppable. Phatt thinks he may have hatched from another softball playing planet, or perhaps a cyborg sent back in time. We may never know. My personal favorite highlight though, was when pitcher jules shapiro, pitched to their dave shapiro who then popped out to right field and caught by this shapiro. The triple shapiro motzah ball shutdown!
When the 5th inning finally came around, no one knew what inning it was, it was sorta getting dark, there was a rumour that were out of beer and panic started to spread. We tried to play an inning with a bright yellow ball but it proved futile, as ball color didn’t change the fact that we were all seeing double. I threw to phatt and I could see his fuzzy distant gaze and his brain thinking, “come one big glove, please, big glove…” Somehow we managed to make it to My brother’s Place, where we were shunned to the private party room, a fancy affair with smooth jazz, evidence that they are trying to clean up their image. We promptly soiled it.
Khlamad helped himself to some beer from behind the bar, we turned up the tunes and the flip cup commenced. The Natural Disasters proved their superiority at drinking, too. Man they fucking suck. That guy chuck is unstoppable. even by his wife...honey don't drink so much...I shall organize a team flip cup training. I tried to chug a beer at asylum afterwards and I was just useless. Though Micah, your cup flipping proved a weak link – get practicing.
So there you have it. An extremely enjoyable first game, we're actually not that bad! we've just got to get our groove back, and we have the whole season to do so...