Thursday, May 11, 2006

losing is still fun. even when the other team CHEATS

well it's no wonder this team has been calling me to play every year. they were looking for batting practice...but you know what? we turned it around on them, and used it as our fielding practice...sorta.

our first inning was strong. strongest! we rocked out two runs, made tons of great plays and saw the fragile seams on their team start to unravel. they were yelling at eachother, getting all stressy - bad mojo, dude. and they only had three girls, to our seven, losers! but as we got drunker (thankfully) they just started peppering our outfield with these crazy huge hits for what seemed like hours. it wasn't until they all started batting lefty and walked to the bases instead of running that we got a break.

and now for the hi-lite reel: thanks to billy and ned for bringing yet another level of dissidence to the team - smokin' in the outfield. jules packed the heat at pitch, and was relieved by joel who attempted some amazing dusty feats at first. ever notice whenever joel plays there's always some dust storm around him and his shirt, by the end is just filthy? love it. ryan was a no-show, but khlamad was there! erika had the erika inning, putting down all three outs at short. k-lo had a super sweet jumping jack out at second and there was an awesome double play right at the end. kim kicked the krap outta first base. sarah and sue rocked some hits, representin' 9th floor SSMC IV! unlucky annie proved why she's number 13, and ran her legs out the first those thighs, girl!and i, i played just about every position and sucked at all of them. yes, i have to work on my grounders, i know. so there you have it, another astounding loss for BL, but ya know what? i had a good time. the weather was beautiful, our sideline was full of laughter, and the metro all-stars are lame old fogies so there.

i love how khlamad and i kept putting them down the whole way home, khlamad doing fabulous renditions of their captain: "how many outs? oh jeez. they only have 2 runs? oh jeez." and going on about how we should won and coulda if they didn't cheat so darn bad, isn't that always our problem? every team in this league is full of cheaters!

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